here’s what’s happening!

The Games. All of them.
Start early, play late. We got wargames, board games, and card games running from Wednesday to Sunday — plus the Northwest Advanced Squad Leader Tournament that runs Friday through Sunday.
Join another 119 people (that’s 120 total) in a space with ample elbow and beverage room to spare. Schedule games ahead of time, show up for some drop-in action, or a little of both!

The Hotel
Looking like we’ll be back at the good ol’ 116 once again. As always, stay tuned here for details as 2026 shapes up.
Hey, Get a Room!
We usually cook up a special room rate for the gamers who want to make a mini-vacation of it. We’ll share details about that when we have them as well.

The Food & Drinks
Why would a gaming con dedicate a portion of a full-sized web page to food? Well, a cornerstone of Game On is having food and drinks delivered to your table while you game. (See how happy that made John?) We’re like that. And we know you are too.
Food and drinks served to your table.
A Woods Coffee location shared with the hotel.
Walking distance to Whole Foods, PCC, Chipotle, Chick fil A, and lots of other eatery-type places.